For a letterpress printer, there's nothing more fun than seeing a Heidelberg in the papers! So Letterpress printing and the Star Tribune?! ... well... sorta! We were visited last week by a writer and photographer from the Star Tribune. They we're researching for an article that came out last Sunday. The article was in celebration of the 1st anniversary of the light rail titled "University Avenue, Hopes are High!" The article mentioned our little shop and talked some about what the light rail has meant for us. If you haven't seen the article or are just curious about the new beginnings here on University Ave, we welcome you to visit the Star Tribune and read the article for yourself! Many thanks to the Tribune and all the supporters and small biz owners here on the Ave! - also - my friends tell me this pic makes me look old. .. boo.
We do a lot of dark colors but occasionally we're mixing up something so delicious you just want to try a little taste. But seriously... DO NOT TASTE INK - IT'S GROSS. If you've got a magical color palette in mind, send it our way! Dick & Jane Letterpress will be more than happy to go all Lemony-Tangerine-Dream with it! Check out our blog and site for examples of our work and be sure to give is a follow on instagram as well!
We worked with the Strawbridge Family on a number of projects for not one but two daughters weddings. This is just a quick glimpse of the letterpress wedding invite we recently designed for Elizabeth. The colors are totally amazing with a bubble gum and strawberry soda kind of combination. Not shown is that the rest f the pieces all fit together like a little puzzle as the bubbles float across everything from the bottom up. In the words of Rachel Zoe - "loves it." Thanks for visiting the letterpress blog!
We've had a few inquiries in this past week about letterpress wedding invitations printed in a gold ink. I thought it might be good to show an example here on the letterpress blog. I've included a pic below of a project we printed with a gold ink. The result is clean and luxurious contrast. We also have a champagne gold which has a little lighter contrast but still very very elegant. Thanks for visiting the site. Feel free to contact us with any questions!
Been super busy this year with all sorts of really fun jobs. I hardly have a chance to snap any photos and get the letterpress blog updated. Finished early yesterday and the sun was just right so I put a little camera time in. Here's a letterpress coaster we finished for a gal in Colorado. She did the design work herself and everything turned out really really nice. Enjoy!
So we've had this design in the works for some time when along came Megan. She was looking for something a little more powerful than the more formal script style. We thought it was the perfect time to unveil it and it was exactly what she was shooting for. After a few small edits to really bring the design to life, we've started production. We're still getting everything printed but I just had to stop and sneak a pic to share on the blog today. The design is titled "Hollywood" and will be listed in our wedding collections soon.
Thanks for visiting the Letterpress Blog!
Every now and again I'll stay a little late to get us just a little ahead of the game. When the work day is through, everything is silent. Just as I was about to turn out the last light, I decided to take a quick couple of pics. The lighting was a little dramatic and after a long day of running presses, all I could think about was good my presses are to me. I love my machines.
Don't know if any of you brides or grooms have had a chance to pick up the fall/winter 2010 issue of Minnesota Bride Magazine? Dick and Jane Letterpress is proud to announce that we have been featured on page 40 in a little article called "In Living Color". This article features "some personality with bright, bold, eye-catching invitation design." Featured is a recently commissioned Twins-themed invitation suite. Complete with barcode, Twins logo, and perforated stub as a keepsake. Go Twins and go Katherine and Gabriel Routh! ...and a special thanks to the gang at MN Bride Magazine.
New to our letterpress blog is this classic and elegant little piece we call "Bostonian." The scroll work is clean and combined with a great white balance as well as the option to add your own monogram to the top! The letterpress invitation is bordered with a double-pinstripe line that has a subtle elegance and frames the whole invitation quite nicely. A timeless classic ideal for any wedding.