We are very excited to announce that Dick and Jane Letterpress has been featured in the seasons issue of Mpls St Paul Magazine's Wedding edition in an article titled "Letter Perfect." Four separate pieces were featured in this 5 page article including a letterpress plane ticket, an oversized full-bleed Script sample titled "Hollywood". A customer submitted design for the Lucas' and a wonderfully popular Letterpress Coaster design. Here are a few photos from the article. Many thanks and appreciation to the MSPL Magazine for thinking to include us in their publication. Enjoy!
Been super busy this year with all sorts of really fun jobs. I hardly have a chance to snap any photos and get the letterpress blog updated. Finished early yesterday and the sun was just right so I put a little camera time in. Here's a letterpress coaster we finished for a gal in Colorado. She did the design work herself and everything turned out really really nice. Enjoy!
Been a busy few months right from the start of the season. New interns, babies, clients, and letterpress wedding invitations. We will soon be launching quite a number of new invitation collection. In the mean time, we will try our best to get some photos posted of a lot of the items we've been working on so far this season. Be sure to check our letterpress blog regularly for all sorts of updates! xo - DJL