Trends will come and go but classic black on white will never get old. Never underestimate just how important your wedding invitations can be. They are the first glimpse your guests will get of what is to come and they truly set the tone. With this Benson + Robbins invitation suite, the couple simply commented, "we want a design we're going to love in 50 years time." We went typographic with the layout and ultimately I think these letterpress wedding invitations really nailed it. Grateful to work with Julie and George and we wish them the best on their wedding day!
New to our letterpress blog is this classic and elegant little piece we call "Bostonian." The scroll work is clean and combined with a great white balance as well as the option to add your own monogram to the top! The letterpress invitation is bordered with a double-pinstripe line that has a subtle elegance and frames the whole invitation quite nicely. A timeless classic ideal for any wedding.
Check them out! Letterpress Wedding Invitations for the Bope/Williams Engagement. We had a wonderful time working with Nick and Carrie on these and thought they'd be perfect for the letterpress blog. They've (Nick and Carrie) got a lot of style and selected their invitation design accordingly. Super classic and wonderfully formal black ink on Pearl paper. Best of luck to Nick and Carrie as they juggle both wedding plans and Nicks' next move with medical school. XO - DJL