Posts tagged letterpress shop
Erin and Nick Follow Up

Erin and Nick followed up with us last week. You may or may not remember their previous invite set? It included tons of pointy fingers, calendars, and funky text.  Any hoot... They needed an additional tidbit card to match their original wedding invitation design so we came up with this little number printed on a tiny tidbit card.

Thanks for visiting the letterpress blog!  It's been a very very busy wedding season but we are determined to keep on this blogging track. Lots of good stuff around for us to share so check back often for more updates.

A Very Wild Wedding

Kristen and Nicholas are super-ultimate Minnesota Wild fans.  When they approached us with the idea to turn the standard wedding invitation into something a little more edgy, the idea wheel started churning.

We thought: only a die hard fan would allow hockey tickets for their wedding invitations.  But not only were Kristen and Nicholas completely receptive to the idea--they loved it.  The gloves were off! To put it mildly, the ticket concept was uniquely them.  Few other invitations we've designed here in the letterpress shop can compare to the intensity of these. Two-color, color overlays, a little trapping and perforation along one side for that ticket stub look; These invites have all the bells and referee whistles!

We want to thank the couple for their creativity, trust and willingness to be a little more daring than the norm.  The results of this round of printing were incredible and wouldn't have been possible without their team spirit.  The popularity of this invitation has surpassed all our expectations, wildly popular among sports fans, travel aficionados and Minnesota natives.

Visit the letterpress blog for more sweet hi-sticking invitation awesomeness!

Late Nights in a Letterpress Shop

Every now and again I'll stay a little late to get us just a little ahead of the game. When the work day is through, everything is silent. Just as I was about to turn out the last light, I decided to take a quick couple of pics. The lighting was a little dramatic and after a long day of running presses, all I could think about was good my presses are to me. I love my machines.

Letterpress Printing On Black Paper

Recently in the shop, it's been all about the silver ink on black paper!  After experimenting with various colors of ink, the silver wins out every time. The silver ink yields the sharpest results... hands down. Silver is considered to be the most opaque color available. Opaque white inks pale in comparison to the luminosity of silver ink.  White ink never prints purely white; it comes out more of a muddy gray than anything else.  So instead, we highly recommend using silver. Have a looky-loo for yourself.

Check out the letterpress blog for more in the near future.

Letterpress Shop Pics

Just a few images we snapped over the last week or so. Although running a letterpress shop all day takes a lot of focus and attention, we always squeeze in time to play with our baby boy, Sonny. Usually, he's hanging out in the lounge area tearing up dads books!

Something New - Something Blue!

Greetings to all you letterpress people! We've been a bit busy organizing the new shop but have now found the time to finally get back to the letterpress blog. Featured today is a special treat from a good friend of Dick and Jane Letterpress by the name of Nicole DeRosa. Nicole creates handmade clam shell boxes and hand bound journals for babies, births, scrapbooking, and brides-to-be. Shown below is a clam shell box and journal made for Dick and Jane Letterpress featuring a canvas blue and metallic silver seagull motif celebrating the birth of our new son. Nicole works with us regularly to create beautiful things for brides-to-be. Check out her Etsy shop, Signature Handmades, for more work.

Check back often for more fabulous letterpress blog updates, including wedding invitations, business cards, and other super sweet projects.

xo - DJL

New Letterpress Shop for Dick and Jane Letterpress

Can you believe it!?!? It's only been a year since we arrived here in the Minneapolis, St Paul area. It's been an exciting year, with lots of growth. New presses, interns, and babies (or at least one baby). With the great year we've decided to move to somewhat larger digs. We're moving to 2500 University Ave. Unit D6. New shop features hardwood floors, twelve-foot ceiling, and five presses. Above is a pic of the space prior to our moving. We will be sure to post updated shop pics once we are all settled in. Until then, much love to all you fabulous letterpress people. Check back often for more updates.



Dick and Jane Letterpress ~ Little Known Fact

Dick and Jane Letterpress has been good to us. Natalie and I have met some wonderful couples, business owners, and received recognition from all sorts of unexpected places. All of which we are extremely grateful. Our blog is intended to let people in to our world, share in our joys and experiences. We want people to get an inside look at what exactly goes on in a family run letterpress shop quietly located in a midwest town. That said, we wanted to announce something that is just a little out of the ordinary of the letterpress wedding invitation theme.

I (Brian) recently received an award for web design by the AIGA Boston Chapter. Coming from Boston, I work with a business partner who is based there (in Boston). Our firm is called Dirk+Weiss. We develop web sites for upscale salons and marketing companies along with the super popular iPhone aps. It's pretty much the exact opposite of a letterpress life but hey... You've got to have variety. Every two years, AIGA hosts the Bone Show (Best of New England). This year we were selected to receive the award of best web design for a project called (I'll save you the description of the site) We were completely surprised by the unexpected win. Much love and appreciation to Boston, AIGA, Bone Show Judges, friends, family, and mentors. Included are images of the award and catalog.