Posts tagged pics
Wake Up Maggie!


Dick and Jane is a family business. Our lives revolve around letterpress printing and weddings. Our kids could probably say "print shop" before they could say "Elmo." I'm sure they hate being at the shop with dear old dad but if nothing else, I do get to sneak these ultra-cute pics of their utter disapproval with me! Here's Maggie still in PJ's after I had just shut down the windmill. One of these days, maybe one of the kids will have interest but until then I guess It'll have to be fussy faces.

Visit Dick & Jane / Please excuse the toys!

Late Nights in a Letterpress Shop

Every now and again I'll stay a little late to get us just a little ahead of the game. When the work day is through, everything is silent. Just as I was about to turn out the last light, I decided to take a quick couple of pics. The lighting was a little dramatic and after a long day of running presses, all I could think about was good my presses are to me. I love my machines.

New Letterpress Shop for Dick and Jane Letterpress

Can you believe it!?!? It's only been a year since we arrived here in the Minneapolis, St Paul area. It's been an exciting year, with lots of growth. New presses, interns, and babies (or at least one baby). With the great year we've decided to move to somewhat larger digs. We're moving to 2500 University Ave. Unit D6. New shop features hardwood floors, twelve-foot ceiling, and five presses. Above is a pic of the space prior to our moving. We will be sure to post updated shop pics once we are all settled in. Until then, much love to all you fabulous letterpress people. Check back often for more updates.
