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Something New - Something Blue!

Greetings to all you letterpress people! We've been a bit busy organizing the new shop but have now found the time to finally get back to the letterpress blog. Featured today is a special treat from a good friend of Dick and Jane Letterpress by the name of Nicole DeRosa. Nicole creates handmade clam shell boxes and hand bound journals for babies, births, scrapbooking, and brides-to-be. Shown below is a clam shell box and journal made for Dick and Jane Letterpress featuring a canvas blue and metallic silver seagull motif celebrating the birth of our new son. Nicole works with us regularly to create beautiful things for brides-to-be. Check out her Etsy shop, Signature Handmades, for more work.

Check back often for more fabulous letterpress blog updates, including wedding invitations, business cards, and other super sweet projects.

xo - DJL

New Letterpress Shop for Dick and Jane Letterpress

Can you believe it!?!? It's only been a year since we arrived here in the Minneapolis, St Paul area. It's been an exciting year, with lots of growth. New presses, interns, and babies (or at least one baby). With the great year we've decided to move to somewhat larger digs. We're moving to 2500 University Ave. Unit D6. New shop features hardwood floors, twelve-foot ceiling, and five presses. Above is a pic of the space prior to our moving. We will be sure to post updated shop pics once we are all settled in. Until then, much love to all you fabulous letterpress people. Check back often for more updates.
