Chris and John came in a few weeks ago wanting an invitation to gather friends and family to formally celebrate their marriage. That said, they were definitely in search of a more casual feel so they came up with the idea of having a garden party! Did I mention John owns an absolutely wonderful landscaping company? Needless to say, their garden/yard is a real treat. Chris also wanted to integrate a font styling that had an architectural feel without being too fussy. We sat down over some samples, chatted about the neighborhood, and came up with this amazing duotone green on green leaf format which in its completion, really struck a chord. Many thanks to Chris and John! - pictured here pre-final trim.
Gold foil, blush, reds, great and sea foam appear to be the trend for us this year. We've done more gold foil this season than any past year and we couldn't be more excited to show off the work! Our last post included the quilted pattern while this piece shows off both letterpress and gold foil on 2-ply as well as a stunning, vibrant red painted edge! This design was customer submitted and what an absolute treat it was. So many thanks to Hollis for the opportunity to produce such an amazing invitation suite. Many thanks and love! xoxo - DJL
Greetings to all you letterpress people! We've been a bit busy organizing the new shop but have now found the time to finally get back to the letterpress blog. Featured today is a special treat from a good friend of Dick and Jane Letterpress by the name of Nicole DeRosa. Nicole creates handmade clam shell boxes and hand bound journals for babies, births, scrapbooking, and brides-to-be. Shown below is a clam shell box and journal made for Dick and Jane Letterpress featuring a canvas blue and metallic silver seagull motif celebrating the birth of our new son. Nicole works with us regularly to create beautiful things for brides-to-be.
Check out her Etsy shop, Signature Handmades, for more work.
Check back often for more fabulous letterpress blog updates, including wedding invitations, business cards, and other super sweet projects.
xo - DJL