Posts tagged hand bound
Something New - Something Blue!

Greetings to all you letterpress people! We've been a bit busy organizing the new shop but have now found the time to finally get back to the letterpress blog. Featured today is a special treat from a good friend of Dick and Jane Letterpress by the name of Nicole DeRosa. Nicole creates handmade clam shell boxes and hand bound journals for babies, births, scrapbooking, and brides-to-be. Shown below is a clam shell box and journal made for Dick and Jane Letterpress featuring a canvas blue and metallic silver seagull motif celebrating the birth of our new son. Nicole works with us regularly to create beautiful things for brides-to-be. Check out her Etsy shop, Signature Handmades, for more work.

Check back often for more fabulous letterpress blog updates, including wedding invitations, business cards, and other super sweet projects.

xo - DJL