Posts tagged proof press
Meet the new intern at Dick and Jane Letterpress

This is Katie Evans. She's the newest member to the shop. Her internship started a week or two ago and things have been going quite well. You may have seen her on youtube? She's managed to make her way into one of our videos posted under our account "LETTERPRESSfilms." In her video (below) she is pictured carving a linoleum block for printing on the proof press. Her carving skillz are wicked good. Katie has a lot of enthusiasm and a great attitude. We're sure she can bring a lot to the shop as we expand into the graphic design market. Be sure to check out our site in a few months for updates featuring letterpress and pricing for graphic designers.

Celebrating Independence Day with Dick and Jane

Greetings all you charming letterpress people. Dick and Jane celebrated this 4th of July with the community of Saint Anthony Park. Each year local business owners and the neighborhood come together to celebrate Independence Day with a parade and good old fashioned fun. We rolled a proof press out onto the street and printed up free letterpress posters with the folks from the neighborhood. The image above shows a final print now hanging in the shop. Over the holiday we captured some videos documenting letterpress printing and our community. Check it out!

(above) Captured in this video is Katie Evans at Dick and Jane Letterpress. Katie is cutting down a big block of linoleum for the proof printing poster project for 4th of July, 2009! The posters will be printed on the recently refurbished Challenge proof press. It's a little bit of a departure from our regular letterpress wedding invitation printing but overall, it's good fun for the kids.

(above) Watch as I (brian durk) print on the challenge proof press incorporating linoleum cuts and wood type. It was a patriotic day for letterpress printing!

xoxo - DJL

Dick and Jane Letterpress ~ busy bees!

Howdy Party people! We've been wicked busy these past few weeks. Everything from babies, to invitations, to family visiting, to new client projects, to new presses, to baby announcements! Needless to say, we've let the blog slide a bit. Well... now we're back. We have a new intern on board (Katie Evans) and tons of new projects to share! Check back often as we will be updating the blog regularly with lots of super sweet letterpress wedding invitation goodness.

xo -DJL

Letterpress at the University of Minnesota!

Last Friday Dick and Jane Letterpress took a little day trip to the University of Minnesota. We received invitation to their St. Paul campus for a visit with a fine fellow by the name of James Boyd-Brent. James has been hard at work collecting an ensemble of letterpress equipment for their blossoming letterpress courses. Just a quick four block walk from our shop to McNeal Hall, the studio is simply too intriguing to pass up a visit. The walls were lined with type cabinets and the shop currently consists of a couple Vandercook Proof presses along with a hand press in AMAZING condition. We spent a hour or so discussing the shop and the many possibilities of the program. With the semester now at an end we are eagerly awaiting the fall term to begin so that we can drop in once more for additional letterpress photos and discussion. Admittedly, the photos are a little lower quality than I'd prefer but I was using the iphone camera.


xo - DJL

james boyd-brent at the hand press - letterpress wedding invitations 1 james boyd-brent at a vandercook press - letterpress wedding invitations 2 type cabinets - letterpress wedding invitations 3