Posts tagged video
Letterpress Printing in HI-Def!

Wedding Invitations in HD!

Working on a really great video collaboration. Showing folks around the shop and diving into the ins and out of letterpress wedding invitations. We'll detail some of the custom design as well as the production elements that go into creating your unique wedding invitations. Invitation paper, invitation envelopes, inks, foils, you name it! We can't wait to share the final piece with all of you! - DJL


New Letterpress Intern at Dick and Jane Letterpress

We're very pleased to announce the kick-ass addition to the gang, Sara Bischoff! Sara has come to us from MCAD. Her background is in marketing and design. She is helping Dick and Jane reach out to the Minneapolis / St. Paul design community. We're working on a great new self-promotion initiative which Sara is spearheading. Be sure to check out the blog for more news on that topic. In the meantime, Sara has been featured in a recent YouTube video posted above! Sara is updating her site so we'll be sure to follow up with the new URL as soon as we receive word. Be sure to visit the Dick and Jane blog for more wonderful updates from the world of letterpress.

xoxo - DJL

Celebrating Independence Day with Dick and Jane

Greetings all you charming letterpress people. Dick and Jane celebrated this 4th of July with the community of Saint Anthony Park. Each year local business owners and the neighborhood come together to celebrate Independence Day with a parade and good old fashioned fun. We rolled a proof press out onto the street and printed up free letterpress posters with the folks from the neighborhood. The image above shows a final print now hanging in the shop. Over the holiday we captured some videos documenting letterpress printing and our community. Check it out!

(above) Captured in this video is Katie Evans at Dick and Jane Letterpress. Katie is cutting down a big block of linoleum for the proof printing poster project for 4th of July, 2009! The posters will be printed on the recently refurbished Challenge proof press. It's a little bit of a departure from our regular letterpress wedding invitation printing but overall, it's good fun for the kids.

(above) Watch as I (brian durk) print on the challenge proof press incorporating linoleum cuts and wood type. It was a patriotic day for letterpress printing!

xoxo - DJL

Letterpress Wedding Invitations with Pocket Folders

One more video update from Dick and Jane Letterpress! This time we just finished a letterpress wedding invitation set that included a pocket folder feature. We decided to make a quick how-to video displaying exactly how these pocketfold invitations can be assembled. We're using double sided scrap book tape but there's a lot of options for adhesives. Please feel free to comment with questions or help.


xoxo - DJL