Posts tagged dad
Wake Up Maggie!


Dick and Jane is a family business. Our lives revolve around letterpress printing and weddings. Our kids could probably say "print shop" before they could say "Elmo." I'm sure they hate being at the shop with dear old dad but if nothing else, I do get to sneak these ultra-cute pics of their utter disapproval with me! Here's Maggie still in PJ's after I had just shut down the windmill. One of these days, maybe one of the kids will have interest but until then I guess It'll have to be fussy faces.

Visit Dick & Jane / Please excuse the toys!

By the way...

We totally had our baby a few weeks back! We've been so busy with getting back to work, family and friends visiting and new client meeting that reporting this little snip of news wound up shelved for a spell. Sorry everyone. Any hoot ~ On June 15th at 5:45pm, Natalie and I were suddenly rocketed into parenthood by this little guy! Jameson "Sonny" Robert Durk was born! He weighed in at a whopping 10lbs and 12oz. He was 22.5" long and being two weeks overdue and "large" to say the least... he's already holding up his head and sleeping through the night! I personally have big expectations for Sonny. He'll make a great Printers Devil once he can walk/spell. Over the years, you can definitely expect to see more pics and notes including my boy around the shop. In fact, starting in August, he's coming with dad to the shop every day (letterpress daycare).

We love you Jameson.

xo ~ mom and dad