Now Boarding all Brides and Grooms. Nickie came to us with a really cool opportunity to do a Plane ticket themed wedding invitation set! We sat down together and went back and forth over all sorts of design options. We settled with 1-color on a #10 card with all the info and a ticket stub perforation running down one side (similar to the wild tickets from a few months back). I was in a rush but I did manage to snap a few pic with the camera phone before they were picked up. Have a look. enjoy! Thanks for visiting the letterpress blog!
Spring is coming! Inquiries are starting to ramp up as the snow melts. Dick and Jane Letterpress has been busy working through the new year and into the wedding season. We've produced a number of birth announcements and location wedding invitations. Save-the dates have also been quite popular in the last months. We've been so busy in fact that we have somewhat neglected our letterpress blog maintenance. Many apologies for that. We are getting back to the task of regularly updating things so be sure to check back often for new designs and affordable letterpress wedding invitations. xo - DJL
Lila and Oliver approached Dick and Jane Letterpress with a request to print their wedding invitations designs. The designs were created by Lila's sister, Livia Foldes. Truth is... It's not everyday we get the opportunity to print client designs quite as stunning as these. The designs were simple, elegant, and masterfully formal.
Lila and Natalie (co-owner of Dick and Jane Letterpress) have been friends since high school. It was quite a surprise to both Lila (now living in New York City) and Natalie (living in Saint Paul, MN) when they realized they would be working together. Much thanks and appreciation to Lila, Oliver, and Livia for the opportunity to assist in their wedding plans.
xo - DJL
Greetings all!
With the change in weather and the ramp up to the wedding season, we're making a push to get the website updated as quickly as possible! We've noticed that the most popular pages on our site are our Gallery, Wedding Collections and of course, Pricing. Some of the things we're currently updating include the gallery and the shopping cart. A couple other items on the list for build-out include our Flickr page and of course our Blog.
Have you had something printed by Dick and Jane Letterpress recently? If so, you wedding invitiations may be posted to the updated gallery! We've collected a completely new folder of images all taken over the last couple months from recent work. Projects include coasters, record jackets, wedding invitations, save-the-dates, stationary and all kinds of other printed goodies. As mentioned above, we are updating the online shop.
Maybe you noticed a design you liked but you're just in the price shopping phase right now. No problem! We're creating a customized quote request form which asks ALL the important questions. Upon completion of the form you will receive a formal quote along with additional details and information to assist you in your invitation shopping process. Oh yeah.. all in a window of 24 hours!
Computers are awesome!