Posts tagged black ink
Letterpress Wedding Invitations for the Bope/Williams Engagement

Check them out! Letterpress Wedding Invitations for the Bope/Williams Engagement. We had a wonderful time working with Nick and Carrie on these and thought they'd be perfect for the letterpress blog. They've (Nick and Carrie) got a lot of style and selected their invitation design accordingly. Super classic and wonderfully formal black ink on Pearl paper. Best of luck to Nick and Carrie as they juggle both wedding plans and Nicks' next move with medical school. XO - DJL

Letterpress Wedding Invitations ~ Lila & Oliver

Lila and Oliver approached Dick and Jane Letterpress with a request to print their wedding invitations designs. The designs were created by Lila's sister, Livia Foldes. Truth is... It's not everyday we get the opportunity to print client designs quite as stunning as these. The designs were simple, elegant, and masterfully formal.

Lila and Natalie (co-owner of Dick and Jane Letterpress) have been friends since high school. It was quite a surprise to both Lila (now living in New York City) and Natalie (living in Saint Paul, MN) when they realized they would be working together. Much thanks and appreciation to Lila, Oliver, and Livia for the opportunity to assist in their wedding plans.

xo - DJL