We did this fall wedding duotone set for Anastasia and Robert around this time last year. The set had been photographed and ended up being used in a few displays for wedding shows. Meanwhile, we completely overlooked adding a pic to the blog for all to enjoy. The set was based on our Spring Leaf design and produced on a natural white paper with a wonderful fall color pallet. An absolutely darling invite suite for a fantastic couple!
We were cleaning the shop this week. While filing away some summer orders, I came across these really cool invitations! Pictured below are the final invitation, rsvp and thank you card designs for Jean Claude and Esther. They selected our Spring Leaf II wedding collection design. After a few quick tweaks, we finalized the beautiful compositions. I can't believe I overlooked adding them to our letterpress blog. I guess I'll never know how that happened? The final letterpress wedding invitations were printed on pearl paper in a sage and dark grey ink combination. Special thanks to JC and Esther for their creative attitude and proactive approach to finalizing all the little details required to make these invitations so tasty!
Be sure to visit our letterpress blog often for updated images and specials on affordable letterress printing from Dick and Jane Letterpress
It has been a surprisingly long wedding season for us at Dick and Jane Letterpress this year! We just finished an invitation suite as well as announcements for the Brown wedding. The couple chose our Spring Leaf II design in a burnt orange ink on the egg shell paper. All in all, we think they turned out quite nice. See for yourself. - XOXO DJL