We are very excited to announce that Dick and Jane Letterpress has been featured in the seasons issue of Mpls St Paul Magazine's Wedding edition in an article titled "Letter Perfect." Four separate pieces were featured in this 5 page article including a letterpress plane ticket, an oversized full-bleed Script sample titled "Hollywood". A customer submitted design for the Lucas' and a wonderfully popular Letterpress Coaster design. Here are a few photos from the article. Many thanks and appreciation to the MSPL Magazine for thinking to include us in their publication. Enjoy!
Dick and Jane Letterpress will be contributing to the March, "the Duel of the Design" competition hosted by friend, event planning monster, Geri Wolf of the Style Laboratory. Our contribution is nothing too fancy. We're creating really romantic, modern letterpress coasters. The design will be completed and printed shortly. Once printed, I'll be sure to get a photo up for your viewing pleasure. For an evening of fun, excitement, design, and competition, check out the Duel of the Design. See you there!
xo - dick and jane