Posts tagged modern
We're Moving!


The BIG announcement we've been waiting to finally share! We're moving to a brand new storefront studio location. We're still in the same building but we're no longer occupying the interior unit. We've expanded to the street front and the new studio is being built out as I type! So many new things are happening. New floors, doors and lighting; we're adding some fun furniture and some really killer decor sourced from some of our favorite local vintage and modern furniture companies. It looks like we're even buying some new equipment to increase productivity!

Real talk: For a long time we've quietly cranked out some really amazing work for clients across the globe. Well now it's time to share what we do and how we do it with everyone right here in our home town! We're really excited to show you just what we're up to so definitely stay tuned!


If you'd like to schedule a consultation hosted in our new space or even just come see what we do please contact us either by phone or email.

2496 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114 P.651-756-8990   |

Modern Love - MoCA Wedding Invitation

We were very excited when approached by Kelsey to create such a modern invitation suite. It's a modern kind of love! They were married at the wonderful Mass Museum of Contemporary Arts and they wanted their letterpress invitations to fit right in. We incorporated an exquisite type style and blocked type setting combined with a blind emboss of a giant coil. Why a coil you ask? Great question. Anyone who has visited the museum's event space will immediately recognize this item as the same 10ft copper coil that greets guests as they enter the through way. It was a kind of prequel for what the guests were to anticipate. We absolutely love this set and are so very proud to add it to our letterpress blog. Many thanks to Kelsey for being so inviting to creativity with this one. xoxo - DJL

the Duel of the Design this March

Dick and Jane Letterpress will be contributing to the March, "the Duel of the Design" competition hosted by friend, event planning monster, Geri Wolf of the Style Laboratory. Our contribution is nothing too fancy. We're creating really romantic, modern letterpress coasters. The design will be completed and printed shortly. Once printed, I'll be sure to get a photo up for your viewing pleasure. For an evening of fun, excitement, design, and competition, check out the Duel of the Design. See you there!

xo - dick and jane

Super cute vintage style business card

Just a quick entry here. Our good friends, neighbor and carpenter Bob Zalaznik of Blue Prairie Cabinetry and Renovations LLC just picked up his business card order. He requested a new design with the working themes of prarie style, craftsmanship, vintage, quality. (Note: there is no web address. Bob is wicked oldschool!)We finalized this design and printed on crane lettra ecru paper. The tiny illustration of the hand planner was pulled from an antique home carpentry book from the 40's. The type selection was a modern adaptation inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright type designs.

xo- dick and jane