Posts tagged letterpress business cards
Letterpress Business Cards!

We LOVE printing business cards! Nothing more fun than running up some fun, funky little designs and getting to work with great clients in the process. Brewery business cards have been really big this past month thanks to the Portland based Craft Brewers Conference which went down a couple weeks back. Here are a couple of the cards we ran along with a few others from recent past.


If you're a business or individual looking for letterpress business cards, look no further. Dick & Jane Letterpress offers every possible finish you can imagine and we think our prices are pretty darn good too!


Unmapped Brewery Business Cards

photo We get a lot of opportunities to work with a lot of different business and this job is not exception. Unmapped Brewery ordered up these cards last week and we couldn't be happier with the final product! We ran a duplexed French kraft stock with 465 and black. The cards we're final trimmed and hopefully JD will drop off a couple brews when he stops by to pick up!

Letterpress Business Cards by Adrianne Gammie

We are please to announce the completion of letterpress business cards for Adrianne Gammie. The artwork was supplied by Adrianne and to be completely frank, we think these cards are a total knock out. Clean, minimalist stationery with a vibrant splash of WOW! From the custom color to the double sided printing, these were a blast to be a part of. Special thanks to Adrianne for giving us the opportunity to print her extra special project. We hope all our letterpress blog followers enjoy the pics below. Her site will be up soon. We'll update this post with a link when one is available! letterpress-business-cards1



Letterpress Business Cards ~ Flotsam Blog

The other day, the smart and quirky writer of Flotsam Blog, Alexa Stevenson, came into our shop to order business cards. Her upcoming appearance at the BlogHer Convention 2009 in Chicago inspired the creation of these awesome cards and we all can agree that they turned out great.

BlogHer 2009 is a business conference aimed at teaching an ever-growing web demographic—online women—how to improve their blogs, while also engaging in group discussions and networking opportunities.