Posts tagged hands on
Printers Devil Workshop!

photo 1-8 Over a hundred years ago on Melcher street in Boston (also known as printers row), the pressmen would set type by hand and crank away all day. The work was tedious and tiresome. After a job was done, they'd walk out to the alley and pick a kid to come in and sort all the type back into it's appropriate drawer for the lesser half of a nickel. To my knowledge, this is where the term, "printers devil" was born.

Here I am today packing to visit kids at a local preschool for a hand-on workshop. I love watching the kids eyes light up as they print they're very first card. It's a far cry from todays iPad and iKea lifestyle but in most ways, I think that is exactly what makes these workshops so great. If you'd like to schedule an on location print demo for your school or event. Give us a ring. If we can fit it in, we would surely love the opportunity!

Whatcha got there?

1. tiny sigwalt press

2. denim apron

3. half can of Vanson Black

4. a pair of ruber gloves

5. roll of paper towels

6. ink knife

7. small box of pre-cut biz card stock

8. tiny bottle of press wash (properly labeled with skull and crossbones)